Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Cards

This has been a great discipline tool for Brig-and me-because it is an immediate discipline that's not tragic (because time out just doesn't work anymore). It makes me feel less mean, too.

So he starts each day with 3 "happy cards." If he disobeys or is sassy or tells a lie, he loses one card for each instance of poor behavior. If he loses all 3, then he loses whatever is important to him that day (which is decided before the removal of the last card)-a particular toy, outside privileges, his one TV show.

Adam has added a reward component that we're trying out-Daddy cards (Brigham wasn't really at the level for this until recently). For each day Brigham keeps all his happy cards, he gets a Daddy card. If he has 5 by the end of the week, Adam takes him to do something fun.


Rachel said...

I love this idea! I agree that time outs just don't work for some kids. And this is a spin on discipline that is definitely more positive. I'm going to copy you! (I have a feeling I'm going to say that a lot to lots of you readers:))