Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Girl's Hair

I have a two year old girl who has long hair. She gets compliments all the time about how beautiful her hair is, but there is a problem. She will not let me do it, even brush it. Sometimes I can sneak in a comb when she is eating. If she is really into a show I can do her hair and she doesn't even notice. At what point to I give up and chop it all off? Or do I let her go around like a rag-a-muffin with food, snarls and who knows what in her hair?


Megan said...

I have no idea about this, except remembering my own childhood-That I HATED to have my hair combed and that my mom always did it anyway. I remember liking picking out my own bows (remember the HUGE ones made out of ribbon? Good old 80's), and liking that (but I wasn't 2). Would she like it, do you think, if it was a mommy/daughter routine? Both of you in the bathroom doing your hair?

Rachel C. said...

To solve this problem with her 3 girls my sister got each of them one of those soft little kid chairs that you can find with Disney characters etc.. These are their special hair-doing chairs. If it's going to take her a while, she gives them a pack of fruit snacks and/or turns on a PBS show.

Rachel said...

With my two girls, ages 4 and 2, I have Beauty Time in the mornings. It's kind of like the above comment. They sit at the table on their beauty chairs and I do their hair while telling stories about when I was little, or when they were babies. Sometimes they are cooperative and sometimes they're not. But having cute clips and hair ties for them to choose, and their own brush or comb helps, as well as a snack for them. And I let them each take a turn brushing their own hair. Hope this helps!

The Hall's said...

This may be a no brainer....but I just thought I'd see if you use a detangler. We use Johnson's No More Tangles on our daughters hair and love it. It's for wet or dry hair, has a great smell and my daughter no longer yelps in pain when I comb her hair.