Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Teething Idea

My youngest Adin is teething, which at 8 months I'm not complaining. But the other day he was unbearable because he was not only hungry (there is only so much that breastfeeding can do) but his teeth were bothering him. I had a brilliant idea at dinner time. I have some bananas that I fast froze in my freezer. I pulled out one and gave it to him (actually I held it while he bit it because it was quite cold). It worked like a charm!! Not only was it cold to help with the teeth but he got some nurishment because it was a banana. Beware though because as it melts it gets messy and gooey.


Rachel said...

That's a great idea- I'll be dealing with that in the next few months as well. With my last two I froze whole wheat bagel pieces and gave those to them when they were teething too, and that worked well for a while. Bagels are dense enough that big pieces won't come off for a while. But after about 10 minutes you have to take them away. This give them some nutrients too- we're thinking along the same lines.