Monday, June 2, 2008

Toilet training & Teething

So I am an experienced mom with 4 children, but I still like trying new parenting things (especially if they work :)).

My 2 1/2 year old doesn't want to wear diapers anymore so I have decided to potty-train her. I have two older boys and they didn't have any desire to try until they were 3 and they were very difficult. Six pairs of pants & underwear in a day is not my idea of a good time. So any advice would be appreciated!

My 5-month old is teething, which is a joy!?! Any advice on how to make his (and consequently my) life easier?


Rachel said...

My 2 1/2 year old wanted to be potty trained like her sister as well, so I wanted to capitalize on that enthusiasm! So we tried for about 2 months, but nothing really worked. I'm kind of with the school of thought that you potty train when YOU'RE ready, not when the child is. I think that's what really matters- and I wasn't ready, that's for sure (being pregnant, and now with a new baby)! I think they'll kind of train themselves when they're ready, and when you're ready!

Megan said...

First off, ABSOLUTELY no biting when nursing. If he bites, stick your finger in his mouth and break his seal immediately so you don't have to succumb to constant biting.

Brig really loved those baby feeder bags-I would put frozen melon or peaches in it and let him go to town biting it. If you don't want to buy one, you can make one by using an unfolded gauze pad, wrapping it around a small chewy (food, frozen raisin, banana) and then tying it off with dental floss. You then have control of the bolus so he doesn't swallow it.