Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kid date night

This came from my cousin Tricia Weinert in a comment but I love the idea and I need to make some categories so I'm moving it:

The latest great idea that I've heard and tried came from the magazine Family Fun. (A great magazine with LOTS of fun ideas, crafts, foods, birthday ideas, physical movement, articles etc.) The idea was to assign a special night of the week to each child. We are going do this every week so we don't forget. So we put most of the children to bed and the child whose special night it is gets to stay up a 1/2 hour past their bed time. That child gets one on one time with both of the parents. We play games or whatever the child wants to do. We were trying to do date nights with the children once a month but we were always forgetting and this seemed like a great way to spend quality time with each of our children.