Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween Fun

What are some of your favorite memories/activities to do with your kids for Halloween? I know I've seen lots of you with super crafty pictures on your blogs of things you make together-PLEASE SHARE!


Rachel said...

-You know I love the Dinner-in-a-Pumpkin casserole. And I like to make homemade rootbeer with dry ice too.
-We also like to make treats for neighbors and "Boo" them (leave the treats, ring the doorbell, and run). And we leave a note asking them to "Boo" 3 other people, and post a sign on their door that lets others know they've already been "Boo'd", so it gets around the neighborhood or ward.

Megan said...

Ok, you better elaborate on the pumpkin dinner thing for those who were never roommates with you! Share the recipes!